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The objective of education is to endow the young generation for life challenges. ….This credence creates the philosophy around which the essence of GNDEC-School of Architecture swirls.  At GNDEC-SOA, commitment to follow the path of success and our forte to strive for better stimulate us to work even harder. Going good way off the academic excellence, our pledge is to provide harmonious environment that develops all aspects of an individual and helps them stretch beyond the class room learning to spar and affront the challenges of the ever altering world.

Here at GNDEC-SOA education is not considered profession but a privilege of working near to the youth. This gives us an opportunity to harvest prolific prospective citizens competent to command the reigns of their as well as their country's future.

We are leading a team of intellectuals always striving to strengthen the school of architecture year by year. Faculties here are skillful and resourceful in various domains to take up challenges and deliver creative qualitative knowledge base.Our goal is to make School of Architecture (GNDEC) a Design Research out from Ludhiana (Punjab) to the world.