13th September,2019 manifested the celebrations of the Royal Charter Day, with the theme “Engineering Advancement for Nation Building” in the Testing & Consultancy Hall, GNDEC, Ludhiana.
The 99 years of Relentless Journey of IE (I), Ludhiana Local Chapter exhibited contribution towards the Engineering Advancements for Nation Buildings initiating the day with a beautiful lamp lighting ceremony. Further, the welcome address by Er. R.L. Mahajan, FIE, Er. in Chief (retd.) IEI, Ludhiana pioneered the engineering students with the recent advances in the field of contribution of engineers in uplifting the nations technical facet.
Followed by tea, the Centenary Celebrations marked the exuberating speech by Er. Balbir Singh, FIE enlightening everyone with a note on history and innovation endowed with by the institute. Er. Sukhwinder Singh, FIE presented an expert talk on the engineering advancements thereafter.
The theme of the engineer’s day was very well justified by Dr. Arvind Dhingra, A.P., GNDEC, by illustrating a bio sketch of Sir M. Visvesvaraya followed by a theme lecture by student member, IE(I).
Dr. Sehijpal Singh, Principal, GNDEC, being a mechanical engineer himself expressed gratitude to the institute for successfully finishing 99 odd years and emphasised on progressive thinking practically, to the rescue of which the infrastructure of GNDEC was much acknowledged.